
Kentucky Opioid Response Effort (KORE)

REACH Evaluation is working with the Kentucky Department of Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities (DBHDID) and other stakeholders to create a conceptual model for the prevention components of a two-year SOR grant related to the curricula that address risk and protective factors and the components that expand and enhance the capacity of the prevention staff.

Toolkit for Substance Use and Misuse Prevention

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This Toolkit has been created for Regional Prevention Centers and community coalitions that are focused on the use and misuse of alcohol, tobacco or other nicotine products, and other drugs. To support prevention professionals and coalitions, the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration developed a 5-step planning process, known as the Strategic Prevention Framework
(SPF). These 5 steps offer coalitions a comprehensive approach to understanding and addressing the substance misuse and related behavioral health problems facing their communities.

The Toolkit includes a separate document for each of the five steps and the two cross-cutting principles that are important to each of the steps. They are intentionally brief, with the hope that they can be used within the timeframe of an average coalition meeting. They will not provide
the community and population-specific data that is critical to understanding the need (Step 1), nor the particular details of the coalition’s community and organizational capacity (Step 2). Nor will they address the research that will be needed to determine the evidenced-based strategies with the best “fit” for addressing the problem (Step 3).  However, they will provide the roadmap and helpful suggestions for the deliberations that will yield a comprehensive approach.

Material within the Toolkit has been drawn extensively from federal agencies and federally funded technical assistance centers.  A list of sources is provided for each section.