Indicators of Social and Emotional Health and Wellbeing of Kentucky Youth
The Indicators of Social and Emotional Health and Wellbeing of Kentucky Youth dashboard was created in response to a recommendation from the 2019 Social and Emotional Health Task Force of the State Interagency Council. The recommendation called for the identification of 3 to 5 indicators of social and emotional health and wellbeing among children, youth, and young adults and their families served by SIAC member agencies and within the workforce. Indicators chosen represent different aspects of health and well-being and reflect available data sources; these data should not be interpreted as representing all facets of youth social and emotional health and well-being. In alignment with the System of Care philosophy of establishing a system that supports a culture of data-based decision making and implementation tracking, the dashboard provides the SIAC with a common set of indicators to monitor child and youth wellbeing and guide continuous quality improvement activities. These data are intended to inform the SIAC strategic plan and annual recommendations to the Governor and Legislative Research Commission. The dashboard also serves to quantify the collective impact of the system of care on child and youth wellbeing and make the case for future investments in the system.
RElated resources
The State Interagency Council (SIAC) for Services and Supports to Children and Transition-Age Youth’s mission is promoting healthy children and transition-age youth across Kentucky: Building a collaborative System of Care to promote children’s and transition-age youth’s social, emotional and behavioral well-being where they live, learn, work and play.
For more information, contact: Lea Taylor, State Interagency Council Program Administrator, Children’s Mental Health and Recovery Services Branch, Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental & Intellectual Disabilities, Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services: